STLRACING.COM's "Most Eligible Bachelor"


New Member
Who is this man with his t-shirt on? He was described as STRACING.COM's "Most Eligible Bachelor."

HINT: He will be at the Fredericktown Raceway playday Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. I understand he will be there signing autographs and setting up dates for the upcoming week!
Hmmmmmmmmm... I think I know the answer to that question - what do I get if I answer correctly? Do you think he'd at least pencil me in for one of those dates? Oh, I forgot - Jason doesn't date. he he;)

If you answer it correctly you win a paid trip for two. The package includes 3 days and nights with Jason. lol
What is this!!

Ya work hard all day, work on the car for 2 hours, come home and people are talkin bout ya.;)
3.02 GUY......i think its time you were told that the 3 days/nites with you are trips to junkyards..oh,wait... i forgot! you'd rather do that,than go to jamaica or something!!!!;)
I have friends in Jamaica, I can go there anytime.How about Hawaii. I hear the air fair is cheap. Now whos payin , and whos going?