2017 Highland Speedway Indoor/Outdoor Automotive Swap Meet, Sunday, March 5th


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2017 Indoor/Outdoor Automotive Swap Meet at Highland Speedway, Madison County Fairgrounds, Highland Illinois on Sunday, March 5th, 2017, time of the event 7am till 1pm, Admission is $4.00, Fox Hunt, all girls free and children under 12 are free. Vendors wanted! Set-up time is 5am till 7am, day of the event! Saturday set up is available for indoor vendors, noon till 6pm Indoor spots 10'x10' $25.00, Outside spots 10'x40 truck & trailer $25.00, single truck $15.00, car corral $10.00 per vehicle. For more information: call Carl's 4 Wheel Drive, Bartelso, IL day 618-765-2199 or Misfit Motorsports Productions, Pocahontas, IL nights 618-664-4352, email: misfit3366@gmail.com This is one of the largest automotive swap meets in the metro St. Louis area, don't miss it!